
The Return of Jesus: Jesus Christ meets Gohar Shahi in America

In an interview in London on July 28, 1997, His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi made the following statement.

On 29th May 1997, I was at the El Monte Lodge in Taos, New Mexico. During the second half of the night, I felt the presence of a man in my room. There was not enough light, so at first I thought it was one of my followers.

I asked him, ‘Why have you come?’ the man replied, ‘I have come to see you.’ I turned on the light and I saw a handsome young man standing before me, whom I did not know. Seeing him, I felt immense energy and spiritual ecstasy in my soul and spiritual entities, a similar spiritual ecstasy that I would feel and experience in the gathering of the ‘Higher Realms’.
I learnt that he could speak many languages. The young man told me, ‘I am Jesus (Son of Mary); I am in America, presently.’ I asked him, ‘Where do you live?’ he replied, ‘I neither had a home in the past nor now.’

When His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi was requested for further details of the meeting, His Divine Eminence replied, ‘What Jesus and I have discussed is a secret but I shall reveal it at an appropriate time in future.’ His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi states, ‘A few days later, I visited Tucson (Arizona), where somebody showed me a photograph and said, “It was Jesus.” I instantly recognised the man in the photograph, as he was the same man who appeared in my room at the El Monte Lodge. I asked the owner of the photograph about its origin. He told me, “Some people took photographs of some sacred places, and surprisingly, this photograph of (Jesus) emerged from amongst the prints when the film was processed. This man was neither seen nor photographed.” I took the photograph of this young man (Jesus) and tried to match it with the one of many images on the Moon. I realised that the image on the photograph matched one of the images on the Moon. I confirm and verify that this is the true Image of Jesus.’

A magazine in America recently published an article quoting Bible experts regarding the ‘Return of Jesus’ and events leading up to the end of the world. Much of the information published, particularly secret Bible Prophecies released by the Vatican in Rome, and the opinions of experts, coincide with this statement made by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.

Sarkar Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shah©®
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